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11-01-2024 Year 4 Parent/Carer Session - Viking Long Boats

11th January 2024


Year 4: DT workshop




Dear Parents/Carers,


We are excited to invite parents/carers of our Year 4 children to come into school for a lesson linked to our DT curriculum. The enquiry question posed for this half term is ‘Who were the Vikings?’. In the lesson, the children will make their own Viking Long Boats using skills they have learned in our DT lessons this term. You are invited to join the lesson on:


Wednesday 31st January 2024

9.00 – 10.15am



The sessions will take place in the Year 4 classrooms and we would ask parents/carers to enter school through the Waterford Road Car Park, where you will be asked to sign in.


We look forward to having as many of you as possible join us and would ask you to return the reply slip below to ensure we can provide enough resources.


Please note that for safeguarding reasons you will not be allowed to use your mobile phone whilst you are on the school site.



With regards,


Year 4 Teachers





Child’s Name: _____________________________                          Class: ______________________



I will / will not be attending the Year 4 DT session on Wednesday 31st January 2024. (delete as appropriate).




Signed: _____________________________________                   Date: _______________________

