What are we learning in Autumn 1?
Year One are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be looking at how we have changed since a baby and exploring our senses.
Year Two are learning about Living Things in their Habitats. We will be digging up worms and testing which habitats they prefer.
Year Three are learning about Forces and Magnets. We will be investigating how the amount of friction on a surface affects how fast a cyclist can go.
Year Four are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be learning about teeth and the digestive system.
Year Five are learning about Living Things and their Habitats. We will be dissecting flowers to investigate the different features.
Year Six are learning about Light. We will being using torches to explore what happens when the light changes.
What are we learning in Autumn 2?
Year One are learning about Materials. We will be finding out the properties of materials and investigating the best material for a house.
Year Two are learning about Everyday Materials. We will be investigating which material causes a ball to bounce the furthest.
Year Three are learning about Rocks. We will be looking at the properties of different rocks and soils and creating our own fossils.
Year Four are learning about States of Matter. We will be learning about what solids, liquids and gases are and experimenting how to change between these.
Year Five are learning about Forces. We will be making parachutes to investigate the effects of gravity.
Year Six are learning about Electricity. We will be exploring circuits and testing lemons and potatoes to see if they are a good conductor.
What are we learning in Spring 1?
Year One are learning about Seasonal Changes. We will be looking at how the weather changes and how we can record how rainy or windy it is.
Year Two are learning about Everyday Materials. We will be sorting materials by their properties and finding out what makes a material waterproof.
Year Three are learning about Light. We will be using torches and mirrors to explore how light can be changed, such as when it is reflected.
Year Four are learning about Sound. We will be using instruments to explore different types of sounds and having a go at making our own instruments.
Year Five are learning about Earth and Space. We will be exploring the solar system and how the Earth moves by exploring shadows.
Year Six are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be learning about the role of the circulatory system and how nutrients are carried around the body.
What are we learning in Spring 2?
Year One are learning about Everyday Materials. We will be exploring the materials that are waterproof and transparent.
Year Two are learning about Living Things and their Habitats. We will be exploring the different habitats that animals live e.g. woodland, desert and arctic.
Year Three are learning about Plants. We will be investigating factors essential for growing plants and understanding how water travels to support their growth.
Year Four are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be learning about food chains and what animals eat.
Year Five are learning about Changes in Materials. We will be investigating how materials can change from solids, to liquids and gases.
Year Six are learning about Evolution and Inheritance. We will be learning about Charles Darwin and predicting the skeleton of a dinosaur.
What are we learning in Summer 1?
Year One are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be comparing features of animals and naming and identifying a range of animals.
Year Two are learning about Plants. We will be exploring the process of pollination and seed dispersal.
Year Three are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be learning about the different food groups and what we need to eat for a balanced diet.
Year Four are learning about Living Things In Their Habitats. We will be investigating and grouping a range of different animals according to their characteristics.
Year Five are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be looking at the changes humans go through as they develop into old age.
Year Six are learning about Living Things and their Habitats. We will be learning how to classify plants, animals and micro-organisms into different classifications.
What are we learning in Summer 2?
Year One are learning about Plants. We will be looking at the parts of a plant and planting a seed to observe how they grow.
Year Two are learning about Animals including Humans. We will be learning about what animals need to survive and how they get their food.
Year Three are learning about The Water Cycle. We will be looking at evaporation and condensation and what the different states of water are.
Year Four are learning about Electricity. We will be learning how to make our own circuits using wires, bulbs and batteries.
Year Five are learning about Working Scientifically. We will be looking at how to plan experiments, take measurements and record data.
Year Six are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be looking at the changes boys and girls go through during puberty.
At Whitehouse we provide lots of exciting opportunities for the children to engage with their science learning and experiment hands-on with a range of different resources. This is one of the many ways that the children therefore engage with their ability to work scientifically.
Look at some of the fantastic resources we have to support the Year 3 topic of rocks!
In Year 4, we have a whole range of electrical components to make circuits!
Forces are one of the topics we do in Year 5 - this is some of the equipment we have for the children to explore this unit!