Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 243
Friday 22nd September 2023
Message from Miss Siddall
It's been another busy week in school and I've seen some fantastic work being produced both in lessons as well as some fabulous homework projects being brought into school. Thank you for your support with this - the homework projects really do help the children to engage with their learning and to develop both skills and knowledge.
We completed the first fire drill last week and I am proud to report that the behaviour of all children was excellent throughout - they were sensible and quiet, enabling the fast and safe evacuation of all 560 children and 100 staff in under 5 minutes.
It was wonderful to see so many families attending our 'meet the teacher sessions' this week. I hope you found it helpful to see some of the learning that your children have already completed.
Attendance for the previous week:
Class with the best attendance: Seahorses (99.47%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: What is the importance of language? Why is it good to speak different languages? (UNRC Link: Article 7: I have the right to have a name and a nationality). Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Readers Cup
Well done to the following classes who won the Readers’ Cup last week:
Year 3 | Badgers |
Year 4 | Foxes |
Year 5 | Jaguars |
Year 6 | Tigers |
Year 6 SATs Information Sessions
Please note we have arranged two information sessions for the parents/carers of our Year 6 children where we will be able to share more information about the SATs exams which the children will sit in May 2023. These will take place on Thursday 5th October 2023 at 9.00am and again at 5.00pm. Letters have been sent home with the children today containing further information. Please return the reply slip if you are coming so we can ensure there is room for everyone wishing to be there.
As you may be aware the children are encouraged to follow ‘The Whitehouse Way’ in school to help them in their learning and in becoming good citizens. Our ‘Wonderful Week’ awards this year will be given as a recognition that the children have worked very hard in one of these areas: Courage, Perseverance, Reflection or Responsibility. This will be shown in the colour coded lists below. We are so proud of our children at Whitehouse and their wonderful achievements. Well done to you all.
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Patrick | Amyra |
Giraffes | Brody | Eloise | Tahsan |
Lions | Jasper | Miah | Ava |
Cobras | Ruby | Lincoln | Jasmine |
Dragons | Emily | Demari | Arham |
Frogs | Obidike | Isabelle | Lina |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Aubrey | Poppy |
Owls | Daisie | Mira | Miles |
Rabbits | Joshua | Rhiannon |
Foxes | Millie | Tristyn | Maya |
Hedgehogs | Eli | Stanley | Dexter |
Squirrels | Riley | Kezzia |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Izaac | Abby |
Lizards | Vina | Oscar | Jacob |
Macaws | John | Roxanne | Roman |
Red Pandas | Dishaanth | Ian |
Chameleons | Evie | Zara | Charlie |
Tigers | Tilly | Dougie | Olivia |
Toucans | Kacey-Mae | Zain | Jessica |
Year 6 Open Evenings
If you have a child in Year 6, please be aware that you need to apply for a High School place for your child by the deadline of 31st October 2023. To assist you in choosing the right school for your child most schools hold open evenings where you can go along to visit the school, find out more and ask any questions you may have. Please see below for the timings of the forthcoming open evenings we have been made aware of:
Ipswich School (Private School) – Saturday 30th September 2023 from 9.15am.
Claydon High School – Wednesday 4th October 2023 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Northgate High School – Wednesday 11th October 2023 5.30pm to 8.00pm.
Westbourne Academy – Thursday 5th October 2023 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
***Job Vacancies in School***
We are pleased to let you know we currently have job vacancies for lunchtime assistants.
Full details of the vacancies along with application forms are available on our
website: https://www.whcps.org/vacancies. In addition, application forms can be collected from
the school office.
The closing date for applications is 10.00am on Wednesday 27th September 2023
Duties will involve:
Celebrating our Staff
Well done to three of our staff members who took part in the Larken Gowen Ipswich Half Marathon last Sunday, each running over 13 miles. Mrs Bendell, Mrs Jousiffe and Ms Salmon all were very happy with their times and all their training paid off. What an inspiration you are to us all!
Eco-School Green Flag Award
As we mentioned recently, we have achieved the Eco-School Green Flag Award! We are so impressed with how hard the children have worked throughout the year to help promote our Eco-code. The assessors noted that the children were passionate about promoting change in the environment and showed great ownership over their learning. They were impressed with the children’s hard work and dedication which, they noted, inspired young people and empowered them with the belief that they can positively impact our planet. They loved reading about our journey and were incredibly impressed with all we had achieved. We will be electing new members to add to our Eco-Committee over the next two weeks. If you would like to join us, ask your class teachers for an application and then return it to either Miss Jaspal or Miss Tempest before 29th November 2023.
Road Safety
Could we please encourage parents/carers to keep a close eye on your children as they arrive and leave school each day, as the roads outside the school do get very busy. In particular please do take care as you walk past the Westbourne car park entrance as cars are leaving regularly.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 26th September – Year 5 Gurdwara visit
Thursday 28th September 2023 – Flu Immunisations
Friday 29th September 2023 – Year 4 Local Walk
Monday 23rd October 2023 to Friday 27th October 2023 – Half Term Holiday
Wednesday 4th October 2023 – Year 2 Christchurch Park Trip
Thursday 5th October 2023 – SATs Parent/Carer Information Sessions – 9.00am and 5.00pm
Tuesday 10th October 2023 – Year 4 Parent/Carer Session - 2.00pm
Friday 3rd November 2023 – Whole School SMSC Day: Healthy Eating
Tuesday 7th November – Year 6 Martlesham RAF Tower museum visit
Wednesday 29th November 2023 – Autumn Term Reports home to parents/carers
Thursday 30th November 2023 – Online Parents/Carers Evening
Friday 1st December 2023 – Travelling Book Fair
Wednesday 6th December 2023 – Online Parents/Carers Evening
Thursday 7th December 2023 – Flu Immunisations follow up session
Friday 8th December 2023 – Nursery Nativity Play
Monday 11th December 2023 – Reception Nativity Play
Thursday 21st December 2023 to Wednesday 3rd January 2024 – Christmas Holiday
Thursday 4th January 2024 – PD Day (Children not in school)