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Message from the Chair of Governors on behalf of the Governing Body


Thank you for visiting our school website. 


As a Governing Body our main aim is to work in partnership with Dr Hall and Miss Siddall to drive forward the improvements required to ensure that Whitehouse Community Primary remains a continuously improving school for the benefit of all the children in its care. 


As Governors, we are passionate about education and the need for every child to achieve their maximum potential while at this school.  The school staff do a fantastic job to educate and inspire children of all abilities and those children who really excel are those whose parents and carers work in partnership with the school to support their child’s learning. 


As parents and carers I urge you to play an active role in your child’s learning, both supporting them at home and ensuring they attend school regularly.  There is much to celebrate at Whitehouse Community Primary School and with the continued support of families and the wider community we can make Whitehouse an even better school which we can all be rightfully proud of.


The Governing Body is always interested to hear from individuals who believe they have something to offer and can enhance the work of the school.  If you are interested in becoming a school governor then I would be very interested to discuss the skills and expertise we are currently seeking.  A meeting can be arranged by contacting the school office.



Martin Booth

Chair of Governors

To view Governor attendance and other information please visit the CET Governance page here.
