15th May 2024
Year 3 – Ducking Down the Deben
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are writing to inform you about an exciting trip we have organised for our Year 3 children in line with their Summer 2 enquiry topic ‘How does a river get from its source to the sea?’. On the day, the coach will make four stops at different places on the River Deben so that the children can learn about the stages of a river. The children will visit the source of the River Deben at Debenham where they will take measurements of the water flow. Then they will visit Brandeston to see what lives on the river bed. Next, they will go to Woodbridge for lunch and observations of the changes in the river. The final coach ride will finish at the beach in Bawdsey for beach combing and natural art depictions of the course of the river.
As space is limited for this trip, the classes will be going on different days:
Owls – Tuesday 4th June
Badgers – Tuesday 11th June
Rabbits – Tuesday 18th June
We will leave school at 8:45am and return by the end of the school day. With this in mind, children will need to arrive in school at the slightly earlier time of 8.30am on the day of the trip. Your child will require a packed lunch, drink (no glass bottles, sweets or fizzy drinks please) and a snack.
If your child is entitled to Free School Meals then please indicate on the attached form if you would like us to provide a school packed lunch.
We would like to encourage your child to dress in comfortable clothing that you do not mind getting dirty. If possible, please also send your child in welly boots as they will be taking measurements along different points of the river.
We will be outside for the majority of the day. If the weather is cold, please make sure that your child wears a layer underneath their clothes and a coat. If the weather is hot, please consider sending your child with sun cream on and a sunhat.
The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £15.00 which covers the cost of coach travel and educational activities. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience ‘hands-on’ geography.
At Whitehouse, we value the importance of trips as they help the children to engage with their learning and provide opportunities for the children to deepen their understanding through first hand experiences. Please remember that educational trips are not intended to be optional as they are part of our school curriculum.
Payments can be made either via the school office or on Arbor. Please return the enclosed consent form by Friday 24th May 2024.
If you have any questions about the trip, please ask your child’s class teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Swansborough, Mr Fox and Mrs Frost
Year 3 Teachers