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10-05-2024 Year 6 SATs

Friday 10th May 2024


Dear Parents/Carers


As you may know, next week the children have their SATs tests.  The children have all worked hard in preparation and they are ready to take the tests. We are confident that they will all do their best. 


We have not set any homework this weekend so that the children can relax as much as possible, but some reading would be beneficial to keep up the practice. 


You can help by:


  • Ensuring your child has an early night and a good night's sleep before each test (Sunday to Wednesday night).
  • Ensuring your child eats a good breakfast before each test (Monday to Thursday).
  • Ensuring your child arrives in good time for school each test day (Monday to Thursday).
  • Telling us as soon as possible if there are any problems, for example if your child is unwell. 
  • Ensuring your child has all the equipment they will need for the tests (e.g. water bottle, glasses if they wear them). 
  • Helping to keep your child calm by reassuring them that they are prepared, ready and that they should try to do their best.


Thank you for your support.


Kind regards

The Year Six team

(Mr Johnson, Mr Taylor and Miss Payne)
