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08-01-2025 Year R/1 Family Learning: Travel Together Through Books

7th January 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,


Family Learning


As you may already know, we are beginning to work in partnership with ‘Realise Futures’ who run free family learning sessions in Ipswich.


Our first course is Travel Together Through Books which is aimed at parents, grandparents and carers of children in reception and year one.  It will run every Tuesday until Tuesday 4th February from 1pm – 3pm at Whitehouse, beginning on Tuesday 14th January.  We will also run a creche for any younger children.  The dates the sessions are:

  • Tuesday 14th January
  • Tuesday 21st January
  • Tuesday 28th January
  • Tuesday 4th February


If you would like to attend the course, please return the reply slip to the office by 4:15pm on Friday 10th January.  Mrs Gotts will confirm the places on Monday 13th January.


We look forward to seeing you in a family learning session soon.


Yours sincerely

Mrs Gotts

Pastoral and Family Engagement Lead


I would like to attend the Travel Together Through Books sessions at Whitehouse Community Primary School


Name: _____________________________


Child’s name: ________________________    Child’s class:  _________________________


I would like a place in the creche for my younger child (please circle):         Yes       /       No
