Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 183
Friday 18th February 2022
Message from Mrs Hall
We would like to welcome parents and carers into school after half-term to find out more about our rights respecting journey (please see the invite from Jack within this week’s newsletter). In addition, Miss Bias and Mrs Evans (phonics leaders) would also like to offer a phonics workshop to explain Song of Sounds and how we teach phonics to children in EYFS, KS1 and LKS2 (date to follow after half-term). It will be great to begin to offer more sharing activities across the school, so that parents and carers can see the amazing work that the children are creating (Article 5: family guidance as children develop). I hope that everyone has a wonderful half-term, school returns on Tuesday 1st March. Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the previous week
Class with the Best Attendance – Lions (100%)
The theme of our assemblies for the week after half term will be: What is Red Nose Day? UNRC Link: Article 26: I have the right to help from the government if I am poor or in need. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Invitation to Parents/Carers from the RRSA Committee
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are the Rights Respecting Schools Committee. We all strongly agree with Children’s Rights and we promote them in the school.
We are inviting parents to an Information Meeting in school at 11.15am on Thursday 10th March 2022 where we will tell you more about our Rights Respecting journey. If you would like to join us, please email parents@whcps.org so that we can set up the room accordingly.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and we hope to see you there.
Jack, on behalf of the RRSA Committee
Purple Man Reading Competition
A big well done to Hedgehogs (LKS2) and Chameleons (UKS2) for winning the Purple Man Reading Competition again. A great effort from everyone.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Puffins | Esmae | Hannah-Marie |
Seahorses | Kyah-Rose | Olivia |
Starfish | Fayth | Mailey |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Sophia | Nathan | William |
Giraffes | Harlan | Oliver | Poppy |
Lions | Demi | Ianys |
Cobras | Louis | Destiny | Scarlett |
Frogs | Muhammed | Amelia | Poppy |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Vana | Carter | Taylor |
Foxes | Josh | Leonna | Amelia |
Owls | Lacey | Maria | Tilly |
Rabbits | Lucas | Skye |
Hedgehogs | Henry | Tilleah | Ozzie |
Squirrels | Jacob | Summer | Summer |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Alysha | George | Isla |
Lemurs | Alanna | Jess | Arisha |
Lizards | Andra | Emily | Kyan |
Red Pandas | Ionut | Kaci | Romey |
Chameleons | Connor | Martin | Mathew |
Ocelots | Oliver | Syako | Zainab |
Tigers | Aya | Derin | Sophia |
Toucans | Manasa | Oliver |
World Book Day
This year World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd March. It is always a fun time but this year is extra special as it marks the 25th anniversary of this event. Your child is invited to come dressed up as any book character that day and in addition bring along one of their favourite books to share in class. All children will receive a book token to the value of £1.00 which will allow them to purchase a book from a range of places including the major supermarkets. You can find out more about the books available from this link: https://www.worldbookday.com/books/. We look forward to seeing some wonderful costumes and books.
News from the Library Assistants
“We are Deanna and Elsie and we have been Library Assistants since September. To apply for the job we had to fill in an application form and have an interview with Mrs West. It was fun to sit down and talk about the library with her.”
“We applied for the job because we don’t like to see the library untidy and we wanted to help to keep it looking nice. We wanted to be able to help other children find books and we wanted to feel useful which we are, especially on Wednesdays when Mrs West isn’t there”.
“Other jobs include putting away all the returned books, looking for overdue books and giving out the letters, helping children with the computers and helping with displays.”
“We are looking forward to World Book Day and Easter when we can help organise activities such as an Easter Egg Hunt where plastic eggs with book questions will be hidden in the library. Also, there will be activities for World Book Day with prizes and the overall winners will get a book!”
Healthy Start: Healthy Suffolk
Did you know that if you are more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to help to buy healthy food and milk? If you are eligible, you can receive payments every four weeks which can be spent on milk, fruit and vegetables, formula, pulses and you can also get free vitamins. To see if you are eligible, please speak to your Midwife or Health Visitor or alternatively visit www.healthystart.nhs.uk. You can also give them a call on 0345 607 6823.
Free School Meal Vouchers
A reminder that if your child is eligible for Free School Meals (due to benefits) then you are entitled to a voucher of £15.00 per child to assist with buying food over the Half term holiday. The email, from Edenred, should have reached you this morning which will give you access to obtain a supermarket voucher, unless you have previously arranged for us to print the voucher for you. The printed vouchers will be sent home with your child today if you have not already received it. Should you have any difficulties accessing your voucher please let us know via an email to parents@whcps.org and we will do our best to assist.
We are sorry to have to raise the issue of parking around the school again but we continue to have some parties who are not parking considerately. Please note this is causing a problem at both the Marlow and Waterford Road entrances into school. Not only does this cause a problem for the community living near the school but it also makes it more dangerous when the children are coming to or leaving the school each day.
Can we please ask you to be considerate when parking and please think about how your choice may affect both other road users and pedestrians. We would particularly ask you to ensure that you do not park on the yellow zig-zags by the school entrances so this remains clear for those entering or leaving the school site. Thank you for your support.
Celebrating Achievements
We were thrilled to hear from Hayden’s mum this week to share his exciting news. Hayden has now signed an official contract with Ipswich Town Football Club and has become an academy player. Well done Hayden, Mr Jordan and all of us at Whitehouse are very proud of your achievements.
Ipswich Fit: Half Term Activities
Did you know that Ipswich Borough Council have some great activities going on over the Half Term Holiday which your children may enjoy? These include Bouncy Play, Family Rollerskating and new Give it a Go sessions. In addition, Ipswich Fit are also running Holiday Clubs where priority is given to those children who have disabilities and/or are in receipt of free school meals. Activities include ITFC Multi-Sport and Soccer School and Disney Dance Parties and the children are provided with a lunch at no cost to parents/carers.
Why not have a look at their website for details of the full programme, where you can also book spaces. https://www.ipswichfit.co.uk/february-half-term/
Messy Church
Please note there is also the chance to get involved at Messy Church at St Thomas’ Church on Bramford Lane. Details on the picture and lunch will be provided. You are welcome to just turn up on the day and join in the fun!
It’s Rocket Science
We have been made aware of some exciting science activities that are taking place over the coming months which may be of interest to your children. They are being run by It’s Rocket Science, a local company. If you are interested, you can get more information by calling them on 01473 832249.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February – Half Term Holiday
Monday 28th February – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day – Dress as a book character
Thursday 10th March – Parent/Carer Rights Respecting Meeting – 11.15am
Wednesday 16th March – Parents Evening (On line)
Friday 18th March – Comic Relief
Thursday 24th March – Parents Evening (On line)
Thursday 31st March – Rights Respecting School Silver Award Verification Day
Friday 8th April – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 11th April to Friday 22nd April – Easter Holiday