PSHE NEWS 2023/2024
Summer Term
The last part of the summer term the children are starting to think about the transition to new classes and the changes this brings. They all took part in transition days to support children in preparation for the Autumn term. This has helped the children in preparation for changes and new challenges that they face. They also had time to reflect on their learning through the school year.
Spring Term
Online Safety Day 16th February.
The theme this year was ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influene and navigating change online.’ The children started the day with an assembly introducing the day. During the day they looked at different types of technology and how the internet influences us. They talked about if things go wrong who can help them. All of the children took different activities on how to keep safe online. A busy and safe day was had by all of the children.
Autumn Term
Healthy Eating Day 3rd November
The whole school took part in raising awareness of the importance of eating healthy. The children talked about topics such as food from around the world, healthy body, healthy mind and how to be school ready. In Reception the children had great fun in trying fruits from different countries and made delicious healthy sandwiches. In KS1 the children talked about how to be school ready by eating a healthy breakfast. They talked about the importance of drinking water. In KS2 they talked about the importance of planning a healthy meal They shared ways of keeping minds and bodies healthy. They also looked at the contents of foods and how much sugar is in different food.