Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 219
Friday 27th January 2023
Message from Mrs Hall
As well as working hard in their lessons the children have been very busy influencing change. Mr Williams met with the School Parliament this week to hear about their views for developing the school further. The children had lots of great ideas about new prizes they would like to see and how we can enhance the outdoor activities at lunchtime. Miss Jaspal and Miss Tempest have also been busy supporting the Eco-Committee looking at ways we can save energy and reduce the amount of litter. In addition, the House Captains have worked alongside Mr Johnson to organise sports competitions at lunchtimes and the RRSA Committee have met to discuss a book recycling project. It is wonderful that the children have so many opportunities to develop their leadership skills and make positive changes (article 12: respect for children’s views). Great work everyone.
Attendance for the previous week:
Class with the best attendance: Lions and Hedgehogs (98.6%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: What does LGBT stand for? What is the story of LGBT? (UNRC Link: Article 2: I have the right to protection against discrimination. This means that nobody can treat me badly because of my colour, sex or religion, if I speak another language, have a disability or if I am rich or poor). Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Julie | Nova Rose | Grace |
Giraffes | Harper | Emily | Harry |
Lions | Lylah-Jay | Emily | Lucas |
Cobras | Lavand | Charlie | Channelle |
Dragons | Willow | Aubrey | Aaron-James |
Frogs | Freya | Logan | Marwa |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Faye | Kezzia-Belle | Alexis |
Owls | Samuel | Stanley | Elsie |
Rabbits | Noah | Keilan | Ilaf |
Foxes | Dina | Saira | Zachary |
Hedgehogs | Rieno | Carter | Hasti |
Squirrels | Myla | Freddie | Tyler |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Archer | Leo | Erioluwa |
Lizards | Liyoh | Zara | Bahand |
Red Pandas | Amberley | Miruna | Kezia |
Chameleons | Isla | Summer | Chiara |
Macaws | Maria | Tobias | Alysha |
Ocelots | David | Tate | Maria |
Tigers | Filip | Andra | Junia |
Toucans | Sara | Martins | Nataliyah |
Purple Man Reading Competition
Well done to the winners of the Purple Man competition from last week:
Year 3 | Owls (35 mins) |
Year 4 | Hedgehogs (25 mins) |
Year 5 | Lizards (46 mins) |
Year 6 | Toucans (70 mins) |
Eco-Committee: Can you help?
Our Eco-Committee are busy working on lots of issues around school to see how we can become a ‘greener’ school. In readiness for a whole school SMSC/Art Day which is being held on Friday 24th March 2023, they have asked us to collect plastic lids and bring these into school. They can be any size and any colour, milk bottle lids and coffee lids would be perfect. If you have any that you can donate, please send them in with your children and pass these to the class teachers or bring them in to the school office. Thank you for your assistance.
Family Breakfast
After half term we are looking at the possibility of inviting parents/carers to come into school on a Monday morning to eat a simple breakfast with their children. Each Monday will be for a different year group or key stage (depending on how many families are interested in attending), and will run from 8.00am to 8.30am. If you have children in various year groups, then we would ask you to choose to come in with the year group that one of your children is in, but you may then bring all your children in on that day. Breakfast will be provided free of charge for both parents/carers and their children. If your child is in Breakfast Club on a Monday, they will continue to attend as normal, with the usual charge of £1.00, unless they attend with their parent/carer. We would like to know if this is something parents/carers are interested in, so please drop an email to parents@whcps.org, (stating your child’s year group) to let us know.
Dental Help
We know that finding an NHS dentist for either yourself or your children can be very difficult. If you are in this position, then please note the information we have been sent which may offer some assistance of where to look.
Young Voices 2023
Forty members of our School Choir had a wonderful visit to the O2 in London this week, where they were able to join children from across the country and perform to a full house! It is the first time in three years that the event has been held and the children had a fantastic time. They had been busy in their choir rehearsals for many weeks learning all the songs and our choir lead, Mr Joscelyne, and other members of staff who attended were very proud of how they performed and how well they behaved throughout the very long day! Well done everyone!
Butterfly Childcare Family Fair
Please note that Butterfly Childcare are holding a Family Fair at their premises on Waterford Road. This will take place on Saturday 11th March 2023 from 10.00am to 4.00pm and have invited families to go along if they would like to do so. There will be a magician and face painting taking place as well as a variety of stalls to have a look around. Entrance to the fair is free.
Times Table Rock Stars
Results are in for the TTRS battles for last week. In LKS2, Hedgehogs defeated Rabbits, Squirrels beat Owls and Badgers overcame Foxes. In UKS2, Pandas beat Tigers, Lizards beat Ocelots whilst Macaws and Jaguars beat Toucans and Chameleons. Battles for this week have already commenced so get yourself logged on to TTRS and get battling! If you want to see how many battles your class has won, check out the TTRS display next to the KS2 library.
Warm Space: New Wolsey Theatre
As many people continue to struggle with the cost of heating their homes this winter, please note the New Wolsey Theatre are opening their café as a warm space every Tuesday from 10.00am to 5.00pm until the end of March 2023. Anyone is welcome to come along and spend some time in the warm.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 31st January 2023 – Y5 Parent/Carer Guided Reading Session – 9.00am to 9.45am
Wednesday 8th February 2023 – Parent/Carer KS1 Phonics Share – 2.40pm
Monday 13th February 2023 to Friday 17th February 2023 – Half Term Holiday
Wednesday 22nd February 2023 – French for the Family Afternoon – Hedgehogs Class
Wednesday 1st March 2023 – French for the Family Afternoon – Squirrels Class
Thursday 9th March 2023 – Right Respecting Gold Verification
Wednesday 15th March 2023 – French for the Family Afternoon – Foxes Class
Wednesday 15th March 2023 – Parent/Carers Evening (in person)
Thursday 23rd March 2023 – Parent/Carers Evening (in person)
Friday 24th March 2023 – Whole School SMSC Day
Monday 3rd April 2023 to Friday 14th April 2023 – Easter Holiday
School Closed – Monday 1st May (Bank Holiday)
School Closed – Monday 8th May (Bank Holiday)