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23-04-2024 Year 4 Victorian School

23rd April 2024

Year 4 – Visit to Victorian School, Great Cressingham


Dear Parent/Carer,


We are writing to inform you about an exciting trip we have organised for our Year 4 children. We will be visiting a Victorian school that was built in 1840 and has been restored to its original Victorian style. This trip will give the children a chance to engage in an authentic Victorian experience.


As space in the school is limited, the classes will be going on different days:

Foxes – Tuesday 4th June

Hedgehogs – Wednesday 5th June

Squirrels – Thursday 6th June


We will leave school at 8.30am and return by the end of the school day. Your child will require a packed lunch, drink (NO GLASS BOTTLES OR FIZZY DRINKS PLEASE) and a snack.


If your child is entitled to Free School Meals then please indicate on the attached form if you would like us to provide a school packed lunch.


We would like to encourage your child to dress in simple ‘Poor Victorian’ clothing.  Boys should wear plain long-sleeved white shirts, dark trousers tucked into knee length plain socks and a waistcoat (if you have one), with plain dark shoes or trainers. Some neckerchiefs and caps can be borrowed from the Victorian School if needed. Girls will need long or short sleeved white shirts/blouses, calf-length/long skirts or plain dark dresses with shawls or smocks. They can wear a hat or bonnet if you have one. Long hair should be plaited with plain ribbons and pulled back off the face. They must not wear any nail varnish, jewellery or digital watches.


If the weather is cold, please make sure that your child wears a layer underneath their clothes and bring a coat for outdoor playground games.


The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £10.00 which covers the cost of coach travel and educational activities. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience ‘hands-on’ history.


At Whitehouse, we value the importance of trips as they help the children to engage with their learning and provide opportunities for the children to deepen their understanding through first hand experiences. Please remember that educational trips are not intended to be optional as they are part of our school curriculum.


So that you can give consent and pay for the trip, it has been placed on Arbor. Alternatively, please return the attached form to the school office along with payment in a named envelope with Victorian School written on it.


Thank you for your continued support.



Mrs Gooch, Miss Adams, Mrs Clipstone, Mrs Anderson and Miss Ward

Year 4 Teachers

