4th February 2025
Year 6 - Walton-on-the-Naze Educational Centre visit
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to inform you about an exciting trip we have organised for Year 6 at the start of next half-term, in connection with our Geography topic on the coasts. We have booked a trip to Walton-on-the-Naze which includes a visit to the educational centre on the clifftop. During the visit, children will learn about the coastal defences, look at the difference between managed and unmanaged beaches and look at fossils found on the beach. The trip will take place over two days with the year group being split in half.
Tigers and Toucans – Wednesday 5th March 2025
Ocelots and Chameleons – Thursday 6th March 2025
The coach will be departing school at 9am and leaving Walton at 2:30pm. At the end of the day we will endeavour to arrive back at school at by 4pm, however, we will give updates on the day due to traffic etc. Please see the permission slip below.
As most of the day will take place outside, children are permitted to attend school on the day of their trip in non-school uniform. It is important that the clothes they wear are both warm and comfortable. In addition to this, they are likely going to get these wet along with their shoes. If they would like to bring a spare pair of shoes (preferably wellies) and socks, then they are welcome to do so. Your child will also need a packed lunch and a drink on the day. Please indicate on the attached permission form if your child is entitled to Free School Meals and requires a school packed lunch.
The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £12, which covers coach travel and admission. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience geography in their local area.
At Whitehouse, we value the importance of trips as they help the children to engage with their learning and provide opportunities for the children to deepen their understanding through first hand experiences. Please remember that educational trips are not intended to be optional as they are part of our school curriculum.
Please note consent and payment can be made via Arbor, or alternatively please complete the attached form and return to the office with payment.
Thank you for your continued support
Kind Regards
Mr Taylor
Trip lead and Year 6 Teacher