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Coming Soon - Multilingual Day June 2024

The children are going to be learning all about the amazing variety of languages spoken at our school and have the opportunity to learn some basic phrases and listen to stories read by parents in other languages. 

Spanish after-school club, Spring 2024. 


Miss Fathers recently ran an Spanish club for Key Stage two. The children enjoyed learning basic Spanish phrases and vocabulary for numbers, food and expressing an opinion. We are very lucky to have staff who are talented in languages to provide these experiences for our pupils.



Y4 French for the Family - March 2023


It was wonderful to welcome 45 parents/carers to the first two Y4 French for the Family workshops this year. Children and their loved ones enjoyed learning French alongside each other and sampling the wonderful croissants, pains au chocolat, gaufres, crêpes and brioches.


Participants particularly enjoyed sharing a learning experience together and the wonderful camaraderie between adults and children. The feedback we received was that parents/carers would like more cultural events like this.


As a Rights Respecting School, we are always keen to act on children and parents’ feedback and have exciting cultural events planned for the remaining of the year.



Y5 CET French Theatre Day - June 2023


All the schools in the Children Endeavour Trust met in early September and identified 3 areas which they would like to focus on this year.


  1. harmonising the KS2 French Curriculum throughout the Trust (coverage & assessment).
  2. enhancing the confidence of non-native speakers in teaching MFL
  3. raising the profile of language learning and culture throughout our schools


The team felt that a creative and holistic whole-trust approach was required to address Point 3 and it was decided that this could include a Y5 whole-trust Theatre Day which Whitehouse was happy to organise and manage. It was felt that besides promoting British Values and enhancing SMSC provision, it would provide a genuine opportunity to enhance Children’s Rights within its fold.


The French play entitled “Parlez-Vous Français”, was performed by a theatre company called Onatti Production which is well-regarded by UK language teachers for the quality of its performances. 






In September 2023 we started to use a French language scheme called 'Kapow' to help us in our French lessons.  There are lots of informative power points, fun games and lots of examples for children to copy to help them with their pronunciation and phonics work.  Throughout the year, we will be asking the children what they think of our new French scheme.  



