27th February 2024
Year 5: Trip to the Co-op
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are pleased to let you know that Year 5 will be visiting the Co-op as part of their enquiry unit: How is Fairtrade fair?
On Thursday 21st March, we will be taking pupils into the local Co-op supermarket to locate Fairtrade items and compare them to other products. This will be an invaluable part of the learning, which has been enjoyed by previous year groups. This is a short visit taking place during the school day as part of one lesson, therefore normal lunch options will apply.
As a permission slip was previously completed for local trips, you do not need to complete any additional paperwork at this time.
We hope the children will enjoy this fieldwork activity.
With regards
Miss Fathers, Mr Trimmer, Miss Jaspal and Mr Ellis.
Year 5 Teachers