Our Geography Learning Summer
This term some year groups have linked their Enquiry question to a Geography topic.
EYFS - Comparing different places including human Geography.
Year 1 - What continents and oceans make up our world?
Year 2 - Where does my food come from?
Year 3 - How does a river get from its source to the sea?
Year 4 - Why is the Amazon important and how has it changed over time?
Year 5 - How is Climate change affecting the world
Year 6 - What are the US states like and how do they vary?
Our Geography Learning Spring
This term some year groups have linked their Enquiry question to a Geography topic.
EYFS - Environmental week.
Comparing places and the weather around the world through stories and looking at maps and atlases.
Year 1 - How does the weather change throughout the year?
Year 2 - How do animal habitats differ around the world?
Year 3 - Where is Europe?
Year 4 - Where are the rainforests and deserts around the world and why?
Year 5 - How is Fair trade fair?
Year 6 - How does the sea shape the coast?
Our Geography Learning Autumn
This term some year groups have linked their Enquiry question to a Geography topic.
EYFS - Exploring the natural world around our school and the journeys we take.
Year 1 - Where do we live?
Year 2 - What is it like to live in our local area?
Year 3 - How can maps help me understand the UK?
Year 4 - What different landscapes do we have in the UK and how are they used?
Year 5 - Why would a tourist visit modern Greece?
Year 6 - Why does the earth shake?