4th May 2023
Foxburrow Farm Trip – Year 3
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to inform you about an exciting visit we have organised for year 3 this term to Foxburrow Farm on Tuesday 20th June 2023.
For this visit your child will need to wear suitable footwear, long trousers (to protect against ticks, brambles and nettles) and wellington boots are advised. Please also provide a waterproof coat and if we have hot weather bring/wear a sunhat and have applied sunscreen.
We will be leaving school at 9.15am so children will need to arrive promptly for school and we will return by approximately 3:00pm. Your child will require a packed lunch, drink (No glass bottles or fizzy drinks please) and a snack. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals please indicate on the attached form if you would like us to provide a school packed lunch.
The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £9.50 which covers coach travel and admission. Please return the attached consent form by Friday 9th June. Payment can either be sent into the school in a sealed envelope (marked with the child’s name and Foxburrrow Farm trip) or this can be paid via the Arbor app.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Mrs Cox, Miss Clipstone, Miss Tempest and Mr Joscelyne
Year 3 Teachers