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23-11-2023 Christmas Dinner - Year 4

23rd November 2023

Christmas Dinner – Year 4

Dear Parent/Carer,


We are pleased to let you know that we will be having our Christmas Dinner for the children in the last week of term.  This will be split over five days so that we can ensure the children can all eat in their year groups.


Year 4 will be having their Christmas Dinner on Thursday 14th December.  The menu will be as follows:


Roast Chicken with a Cocktail Sausage, Roast Potatoes, Stuffing, Seasonal Vegetables and Gravy


Vegan Quorn Roast with a Vegetarian Sausage, Roast Potatoes, Stuffing, Seasonal Vegetables and Gravy


Followed by a choice of Berry Cheesecake, Ginger Biscuits or an Iced Cupcake


If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, there will be no cost for their Christmas dinner.  If you pay for school meals, the cost will be £2.43.    If your child would like a Christmas Dinner, please return the reply slip found below to the class teacher.  Reply slips must be returned by Friday 1st December at the latest.  Payment can be made via Arbor (please add a comment that the payment is for Christmas dinner).  Alternatively, you can send in £2.43 to the school office with the reply slip, in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class on it.


On Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Friday 15th December the children will need to either have a Pick and Mix lunch at school (Ham, Cheese or Tuna) or bring a packed lunch from home.  There will be no hot meals available to allow other year groups to enjoy their Christmas dinner.

Thank you for your continued support.



With regards



Ms Siddall

Co Headteacher



Child’s Name: __________________________    Class: _______________________________


My child would like to have a hot Christmas Dinner on Thursday 14th December 2023.


My child would like a Roast Chicken/Vegetarian Dinner (Delete as appropriate)



Signed by Parent/Carer___________________________________ Date _________________________________
