19th April 2021
Year 3 Roman Day
Dear Parent/Carer,
In Year 3 our topic this term is ‘The Romans’. As a way of providing your child with the best opportunity to find out about life as a Roman, we will be holding a Roman day on Tuesday 25th May 2021.
During the day children will take part in a number of activities to learn about what life was like as a Roman. Participation in costume greatly adds to the experience so we request that all children come dressed in a costume relevant to the time period. Please see the PDF above for some simple patterns which may be helpful to you in finding or making an outfit. Remember, the clothes should be authentic so please don’t hire or make anything too grand which your child may be worried about getting dirty or torn.
Please speak to your class teacher if you have any concerns or difficulties with this, and thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Swansborough, Mrs Greggor, Miss Bligh and Mr Donowa
Year 3 Teachers