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14-09-2023 Year 4 Parent/Carer Session

13th September 2023


Year 4:  Parent/Carer Session


Dear Parent/Carer,


We are pleased to invite our Year 4 parents/carers into school for a Design and Technology and Science afternoon on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 2.00pm.


The session will involve food tasting, followed by some work on healthy eating and the digestive system and will give you a chance to work alongside your child.


We would ask that you please come to the Waterford Road gate (by the Flying Horse) at 2.00pm where you will be signed in and taken to your child’s class.  Please do arrive promptly so that the lesson can begin on time.


Please return the below slip if you are able to attend, or inform the office by email to so we know how many people to cater for.   We look forward to seeing as many parents/carers as possible.  



With kind regards



Mrs Gooch, Miss Waters, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Clipstone

Year 4 Teachers



Child’s name:  ______________________________      Class:   ___________



I am able to come in for the parent/carer  session on Tuesday 10th October 2023.



Signed by Parent/Carer _______________________   Date: _______________


