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28-05-2021 Squirrels Class Forest School

28th May 2021

Forest School


Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing to inform you that Squirrels class will be participating in Forest School during next half-term. This will take place on Wednesday or Friday afternoons starting on the 16th June. Each session will be run by our two Forest School Leaders, Mr Hobhouse and Mr Bradford.


Forest School is centred around the idea that children benefit from exploring and playing in woodland. It also offers them regular opportunities to develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences guided by an experienced adult.


At Forest School, we will offer a variety of activities and encourage the children to ‘choose’ what they enjoy doing or are interested in. We evaluate with the children at the end of each session and discuss what they would like to do at the next.


Learning at Forest School is ‘holistic’, with children being given the chance to develop their communication, physical and social skills, emotional intelligence and their knowledge and understanding of the natural world, all at the same time.


Our activities are all risk assessed both before and during the sessions. We encourage the children to take an active role in this process so that they can develop their resilience with new challenges safely and with increasing competence.


We call this appropriate, supported risk-taking and it is an important skill that children will take with them as they grow and develop.


Some of the activities that we may do at Forest School include:


Den building

Shelter making

Playing on rope bridges

Swinging on ropes

Playing in the mud

Weaving, threading and knot tying

Exploring the natural world – identifying flora/fauna

Sensory activities (e.g. blindfold)

Games, songs and stories

Fire lighting and management

Cooking on a fire

Learning how to safely use tools – bow-saw, hand drill and mallet

Art making – clay, rubbing, charcoal, sculptures


Clothing expectations

We will be providing all children with waterproof jackets and waterproof trousers in case of rain. Children will however be expected to arrive at school with the following named items of clothing:


Long sleeve, lightweight t-shirt/shirt

Long legs/leggings

Sturdy boots/trainers/wellington boots


Thick pair of socks

Sun hat

Sun cream (applied before school)


Because of the nature of the learning, we ask that the clothes brought are old and don’t mind coming back torn or muddy. We always wear clothing with long arms and legs throughout the year at Forest School because this protects from bites, stings and scratches whilst outside. We take the weather very seriously and make on the spot assessments of how the children are coping, particularly if it is extra cold, hot or wet. We will adapt sessions in the event of high wind and we do not run sessions outside if there is thunder or lighting, extreme cold or high winds.


If you do not want your child to take part in this learning or have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Forest School Leaders through the school office.




Mr A Hobhouse and Mr Bradford

Forest School Leaders
