6th February 2023
Colchester Castle Trip – Year 3
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 3 have organised a visit for the whole year group to go to Colchester Castle on Tuesday 14th March 2023.This is in relation to our enquiry question “Who were the Romans and how did they affect life in Britain?”
The children will leave school at 9.15am and return by approximately 3.00pm. The children will eat their lunch in a dining room within the castle. Children will require a packed lunch, drink (NO GLASS BOTTLES) and a snack. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals please indicate on the attached form if you would like us to provide a packed lunch.
Due to a shortage of storage space in the castle museum cloakroom, we are asking that children bring their lunch in a plastic carrier bag. We are also asking that the children do not bring any spending money and that they wear school uniform.
In order to cover the price of the castle’s activities and coach fare the cost of the trip is a voluntary contribution of £13.00. The trip will be set up on the Arbor app for you to confirm your space and make payment. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the app please place any cash in a named envelope for the attention of the school office. Please can the attached consent form be returned to your class teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Tempest, Mrs Cox, Miss Clipstone and Mr Joscelyne
Year 3 Teachers