Monday 15th May 2023
Crucial Crew Trip: Year 6
Dear Parents/Carers,
A number of schools across the County have been invited to take part in an event called ‘Crucial Crew’ at Inspire Ipswich. It is a nationwide project to increase safety awareness and could prove invaluable to your child. The event is organised, and run, by local emergency services including the Fire Brigade, Police and also the Environment Agency.
Children in Year 6 will be taking part in a number of activities that centre around safety in and around the home. They will learn how to respond safely and effectively to a number of different scenarios. Not only is the experience enjoyable for the children but is also extremely beneficial to them. Due to the nature of some of the sessions conducted, please let us know if your child has experienced any distressing incidents such as major fires/road accidents/deaths before the event that may upset them. Please fill in section 3 on the enclosed form if this is the case.
Crucial Crew takes place on Friday 9th June 2023 at Inspire, Ipswich. On this occasion we are not asking for any voluntary contribution. We will be leaving by coach approximately 8:45am due to the session beginning just after 9:00am. This means that all children are required to come into school at an earlier time of 8:15am via the Waterford Road entrance. Your child will need to arrive dressed in school uniform. Due to the active content of the some of the sessions, Crucial Crew have asked that everyone wear trousers instead of shorts or skirts. The coach will be picking the children up at 12:00pm meaning they will get back to school in time to still have lunch and have their normal afternoon at school.
Some of the scenarios during Crucial Crew may wish to use photography, or the local papers may wish to use photographs to publicise the event. Please indicate on the attached form if you do not want your child to be photographed or recorded as part of a video.
Please complete the form overleaf and return by Friday 26th May. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to your child’s class teacher.
Can we also please ask that you send the children to school with their PE kit in a bag, as they will need to change into this when they return to school in readiness for their Sports Day which begins at 2.00pm the same day.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Trimmer, Miss Siddall, Miss Fathers, Mr Taylor, Mr Johnson and Mr Christopher.
Year 6 Teachers