29th September 2023
Year 4 Visit: West Stow Anglo Saxon Village
Dear Parents/Carers.
The trip to West Stow is planned for Tuesday 31st October. The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £15, which covers coach travel and admission. Payments can be made either via the school office or on Arbor.
Please ensure your child has appropriate outerwear clothing for the weather conditions on the day. Your child will require a packed lunch, drink (NO GLASS BOTTLES OR FIZZY DRINKS PLEASE), and a snack.
If your child is entitled to Free School Meals please indicate on the attached form if you would like us to provide a school packed lunch.
Please return the attached consent form by Tuesday 24th October 2023
Thank you for your continued support.
With Regards
Mrs Clipstone, Mrs Gooch, Mrs Anderson, Miss Waters
Year 4 Teachers