Dear Parent/Carers
This half term we will be running the Families Connect Workshops. This is a fun interactive programme looking at building on and empowering you, as parents and your relationship with your family. Your child will get to work with you in school, interacting through fun games and activities.
The workshops will start at 1:15pm and finish at 3:00pm
Dates are:
Monday 4th October
Monday 11th October
Monday 18th October
Monday 1st November
Monday 8th November
Monday 15th November
Monday 22nd November
Monday 29th November
There will be a video uploaded onto Tapestry with more information. Please contact Mrs Gotts or Mrs Moore through the school office if you have any questions.
If you would like to sign up for Families Connect please complete the slip below then return to class teacher.
We look forward to meeting you all soon.
Mrs K Gotts and Mrs J Moore
I would like to sign up for the Families Connect Workshops
Child’s name………………………………………………………. Class………………………………………………...
Parents name………………………………………………… Date……………………………