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22-03-2023 - Year 2 Easton Farm Park

 22nd March 2023

Year 2 – Trip to Easton Farm Park


Dear Parents/Carers


Year 2 have planned a visit to Easton Farm Park in line with our new enquiry question next term


‘Where does our food come from?’


This will take place on Wednesday 19th April. We will be leaving school at 9:15am so children will need to arrive at their normal class entrance, promptly at 8:50am.


For this visit your child will need to wear suitable clothes and sensible, comfortable footwear – preferably welly boots.  We will be outside for the visit so your child will need to be prepared especially for potential wet weather! Your child will also need a rucksack to carry their lunch.


All children will require to take a packed lunch (No glass bottles, sweets or fizzy drinks please), but as all year 2 children are entitled to Free School Meals, if you would like us to provide a packed lunch for the day, please indicate this on the attached form.


The cost of the trip is a voluntary contribution of £15.00 which helps to covers some of the cost of transport and entry to the farm.


You will be able to give consent and make payment via the Arbor app.  However, if you do not have access to the app please return payment and the attached consent form in a sealed named envelope to the school office or class teacher by Friday the 31st March (which is the last day of term before the Easter break).


If you have any questions about the trip please feel free to ask.


Thank you for your continued support.



Miss Bias, Miss Swansborough and Miss Rose.


The Year 2 Team


