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07-10-2021 Suffolk Covid Update

Thursday 7th October 2021


Coronavirus Update

RE: Suffolk’s actions to reduce COVID-19 transmission in education settings



Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing with reference to the letter from Suffolk’s Director of Public Health for Children and Young People’s Services and to reassure you that Whitehouse Community Primary are NOT managing an active outbreak at this time.


In the Suffolk County Council communication, sent out to families via all schools, it states that case rates in Suffolk are currently high, and therefore Suffolk County Council are introducing additional control measures for education settings who ARE managing an active outbreak.


Should our situation change here at Whitehouse Community Primary, and we move to a position where we are managing an active outbreak, I will inform you IMMEDIATELY and advise you again of this and any other measures which we will need to put in place.


Simple actions reduce transmission. Washing hands regularly, maintaining a safe distance from others, meeting outside, wearing face coverings when needed and staying at home when feeling unwell are all actions we should continue to take as we continue to live with COVID-19.


Thank you for your co-operation,




Mrs A Hall

