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28-06-2022 Year 6 - Mersea Update

                                                                                                                                       28th June 2022

Year 6- Trip to Mersea


Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing to remind you all of the upcoming Mersea Residential for Year 6 and to give you some key details about the visit.


The children need to come into school as usual on Monday morning (4th July). They will leave their bags in Waterford Road Hall ready to collect before we depart. The coach will leave from Marlow Road around 10am. You are welcome to come and wave your children off. The coach will return at approximately 3.10pm on Wednesday (we will notify you by text if this time changes).


Any medicine such as inhalers must be handed into school before the visit. Please make sure that this is labelled with your child’s name and class and the relevant medical forms are filled in to allow us to administer them. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we recommend that they take some medicine before school. If they would like to take some medicine before we depart from Mersea, then this needs to be brought in and named and the relevant forms filled in. Please speak to the office if you are unsure. We will collect all medication when the children first come in to school. Any sun cream needs to be sent in in a labelled bottle. The children will need sun cream and a hat as the weather forecast is for very warm weather.


Following guidance from the venue and as we will be carrying out adventurous activities, we will not be allowing children to bring mobile phones or any electronics. Please make sure these are not brought into school on the day of the trip. 


There is a tuck shop and vending machine on site however please ensure the children bring no more than £5. Furthermore, can we ask that they do not bring any snacks or sweets that contain any trace of nuts. Please make sure they only bring one small bag of sweets.


Your child will require a packed lunch, (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please) for the first day. If your child is eligible for free school meals, this can be ordered from the kitchen on the day.


We hope that our Year 6 will enjoy this visit and can celebrate the time that they have spent at Whitehouse. If you have any questions, please contact either myself or the office. Thank you for your continued support.


With regards,




Mr J Christopher

Trip leader
