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14-09-2021 Year 4 - Class Size

14th September 2021


Dear Year 4 Parents and Carers,


We hope your children have settled back to school and are enjoying all the exciting learning opportunities in the new year 4 classes. The trip to Sutton Hoo on Friday was very successful.


You will be aware from my letter sent on 18th June, that as part of our Covid-19 catch up plan, we were very pleased to be able to offer three year 3 classes last academic year to settle the children in key stage 2.  Indeed, we have been very fortunate to have been able to offer smaller classes over the last four years giving the children an excellent start in their early education.  As the children moved into year 4 it was necessary to arrange the children in two classes, considering the needs of the whole school. Additional adult support is in place to ensure the children are supported in building on the progress they have made.  We have also created a new intervention room for year 4 where we can ensure additional teaching can be provided.


Over the summer holidays we have had an increase in pupil numbers in year 4, however, neither of the two classes exceed 30 children.  For the majority of classes within primary schools across the country it is common for classes to have 30 children. There is no limit to the number of children that can be taught within a class once they reach key stage 2, and so some schools exceed 30 pupils in key stage 2 classes.

We always aim to have class sizes of no more than 30 children, however, our teachers are skilled at meeting the needs of all the children and will of course monitor the progress of every child closely.

As always if you have any concerns about your child, please so not hesitate to make an appointment via the office to speak with your child’s class teacher.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Hall


