6th October 2023
Year 5: Ancient Greek Day
Dear Parent/Carer
In Year 5 this term, our topic is ‘The Ancient Greeks’. As a way of providing your child with an opportunity to celebrate their knowledge and understanding of Ancient Greek life, we will be holding an Ancient Greek day on Tuesday 17th October 2023.
The Year 5 team will provide a day of hands-on workshops, to show how the Ancient Greeks lived and what life would have been like. During the day, your child will experience the following sessions:
Your child will be using tools and materials whenever possible to learn skills in a wide variety of cross-curricular workshops. By the end of the day, they will have a really good idea of how it felt to be an Ancient Greek child during this period of history.
To add to the authenticity of the day, we would like to encourage the children to arrive at school wearing a simple Ancient Greek outfit. There is a suggestion of a costume on the reverse of this letter.
The activity will take place during normal school hours and your child can follow their usual lunchtime routine.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mr Trimmer, Miss Fathers, Miss Jaspal, Mrs Greggor and Mr Ellis
Year 5 Teachers