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23-06-2022 Year 6 - Leavers BBQ


23rd June 2022


Year 6 Leavers’ BBQ


Dear Parents/Carers,


On Wednesday 13th July 2022, we will be holding our Year 6 Leavers’ BBQ and games celebration.  

The BBQ will begin at 4.00pm and will finish at 5.15pm.   The cost of the BBQ will be £3.25. Your child can attend the celebration even if they do not wish to eat at no cost.


Please complete the slip below and return it together with the money by Friday 1st July if your child would like to attend. Please indicate if they would like a vegetarian BBQ and any other dietary needs they may have. In addition, can you indicate whether they will be collected after the BBQ or allowed to walk home.



Thank you for your continued support,



Miss Siddall / Mr Christopher / Mr Trimmer / Miss Payne / Mrs Cox / Mrs Edwards

Year 6 Teachers





Childs Name:  _______________________________________   Class: ___________________________


My child will be attending the Leavers’ BBQ on Wednesday 13th July:      YES / NO

My child is vegetarian      YES / NO      Any other dietary needs: ……………………………………………..      

I enclose £………………………………..                                    

My child will be collected/walk home (please delete as applicable) at the end of the BBQ by: ………………………………………………………………………………………..


Signed by Parent / Carer: _____________________________________   Date:____________________

