Thursday 9th February 2023
Parental Engagement Invitation – Year 5
Dear Parents/Carers,
The next enquiry unit for Year 5 is: How is Fairtrade Fair? As part of their learning, the children will be designing and making their own Fairtrade flapjack recipe. Before this can happen, pupils need to research existing products in the market.
We would, therefore, like to invite you to join the flapjack tasting lesson on Thursday 2nd March at 9:00am – 10:00am. To make sure that we have enough samples to taste, we need to know if you are able to attend. Please can you fill in and return the reply slip attached as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Mrs Gelling, Miss Payne, Miss Blake and Ms Gregor
Year 5 Teachers
Child’s name: ______________________________ Class: ___________
I am able to come in for the flapjack tasting lesson on Thursday 2nd March 2023
Signed by Parent/Carer _______________________ Date: ___________________