22nd September 2023
SATs information sessions - Year 6
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to inform you about our SATs information session we have organised for you in connection with the upcoming SATs in May. Based on previous feedback, we would like to give you the chance to hear all about how you can best support your child in the lead up to the tests. During the session we will share the timetable for the tests; show examples of previous SATs papers; and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
The date for this event is Thursday 5th October with a session at 9:00am. You will need to arrive at the main office to sign in. Following that, you will then be directed to the blue meeting room or the hall depending on numbers. If you are unable to attend this event, we are offering an evening information session on the same day at 5:00pm. Each session will last for around 30 minutes. Unfortunately, due to staffing, we will be unable to offer a crèche for the sessions; however, we are happy for younger siblings to join either session as long as they do not disrupt the normal course of the session. Thank you for your kind understanding.
Please complete the slip below and return it to Mr Johnson as soon as possible to confirm which session you would like to attend.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Johnson, Mr Taylor and Miss Payne
Please return this slip to Mr Johnson as soon as possible.
Name of child: ______________________________________ Class: ___________________________
Please tick as appropriate.
I would like to attend the morning session at 9:00am on Thursday 5th October.
I would like to attend the evening session at 5:00pm on Thursday 5th October
Signature: _________________________________