13th June 2022
Year 3 Classes in September
Dear Parents / Carers,
As part of the post-Covid ‘Catch Up’ funding our school received your child had the opportunity to be in a smaller class group this year. This was put in place to support your child’s learning after the pandemic had disrupted two years of their education.
The children have made good progress in Year 3 and are ready for the Year 4 curriculum. Therefore, from September 2022, the children will return to their original class groups (as they were taught in Year 2), for the duration of Year 4. Any children who have joined Whitehouse this year, will be assigned to one of these classes. However, please note there will be additional support available for any child who has not yet caught up with their learning since the school closure during the pandemic.
If you have any concerns about your child returning to their previous class group, please speak to me or to the current class teacher.
We thank you for your continued support.
With regards
Mrs S Gooch
LKS2 Phase Leader