15th December 2021
Breakfast Club Booking Form
Dear Parents/Carers,
As previously advised, we have now moved the Breakfast Club booking system for the Spring Term to the Arbor App.
As from today you can now go onto the App to make a booking for your child for either the Quiet or Active Club. You will need to log into the Arbor App and select ‘Clubs’ from the Main Menu. This will then show the clubs which can be booked. Please then select the club you wish to book for and the dates you require. Bookings can be made on a daily, weekly or termly basis but they will need to be paid for in advance.
We would also ask that if an emergency occurs and you need a space at the last minute, please email the office on parents@whcps.org rather than booking the space the morning it is required. The office will do their best to accommodate your requirements.
As before, both the quiet and the sporty breakfast clubs will offer 25 spaces each. Places MUST be booked AND paid for in advance. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Breakfast club costs £1.00 per child per morning. A space will not be confirmed unless payment has been received.
Please be aware that if you no longer need your space you will need to let us know by the day before. We will not provide any refund if a space has not been cancelled. If your child is not at school because they are unwell then please let us know and this will be taken into consideration. This will not be automatically refunded and you will need to contact the school.
We are aware that some parents/carers have outstanding balances on breakfast club and we are working to get this money refunded to you as soon as possible. If you would rather we transfer this money over to your child’s dinner money account please let us know asap.
If your child has been invited to attend the Thrive Breakfast Club, Read and Feed or Gym Trails, please note you do not need to book spaces, the office will have arranged this for you.
We thank you for your continued support.
Mrs A Hall