11th May 2023
Year 3 Parent/Carer Reading Session
Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to invite you to come into school on Tuesday 23rd May 2023, at 2.30pm to join us for a reading session. We would ask you to please come in to school via the Waterford Road car park entrance, where you will be able to sign in before going to class.
The session will give you a chance to look at the work your child has been doing in their English Extended Writing books and to read with them.
We hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us. If you plan to come please can you complete and return the slip below.
Best Regards
Year 3 Teachers
Child’s name: ___________________________________ Class: _________________
I am able to come to the school on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 for the Y3 reading session.
Signed by parent/carer: ____________________________ Date: __________________